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      6 min read

      Tips to Prepare for Healthcare Security Risk Assessment

      Most healthcare practices wouldn’t dream of forgoing malpractice insurance. It’s a necessity to keep a practice safe. And yet, many practices take a very risky stance when it comes to healthcare security, especially as it relates to data security...

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      7 min read

      Top Healthcare Billing Issues Resulting in Claim Denials

      Healthcare is a necessity for the “customers'' and though it functions as a business, many of the practitioners never entered the...

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      5 min read

      What You Need to Know About Healthcare Ransomware Attacks

      Between January 1, 2018 and September 30, 2023, the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) of The U.S. Department of Health and Human...

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      6 min read

      Maximizing ePrescribing Software: ePrescription Best Practices

      ePrescribing software is no longer the new kid on the healthcare efficiency block. Though we’re seeing greater adoption, in part...

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      4 min read

      Simplifying Healthcare Payments to Improve Patient Experience

      Nearly half of Americans report struggling with healthcare costs and yet, healthcare is necessary. This sets up a challenge for...

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      4 min read

      Top Healthcare Workflow Inefficiences (+How to Fix Them)

      One of the most amazing and impactful aspects of healthcare services is how they’re individualized for the unique needs of every...

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      5 min read

      Top Benefits of a HIPAA Business Associate Agreement (BAA)

      Just as no man is an island, no healthcare provider is either. When it comes to holistic healthcare, patients often have a team...

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      7 min read

      Are You Compliant? Understanding Healthcare Billing Compliance

      Even though billing is essential for healthcare practices, it often takes a back burner to patient care and services. However,...

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      6 min read

      Strategies to Improve Healthcare Workflow

      When we discuss improving healthcare and improving the patient experience, we often focus on treatments, emerging research, and...

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      6 min read

      Operations and Office: Role of AI in Healthcare

      Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer just a buzzword in the technological landscape; it has become a pivotal force in...

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